Our Products Regenerate Soils and Profits for Farmers
< Citrus with Coriphol Citrus without Coriphol >
We help farmers improve yields and margins with organic solutions produced from farm wastes. Here’s how. Plants use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into plant structures. Photosynthesis is primary metabolism. When crops experience stress (and all crops undergo stress) the plants shift to secondary metabolism and produce light molecular weight phenols and other organics. Phenols are produced by plants to defend against stresses from nutrient imbalances, pathogens, insects, temperature extremes & drought.
We unravel these plant structures with bio-refinery technology into liquid organic plant growth enhancers that contain numerous phenols and other organics. When applied in advance, Coriphol has delivered remarkable increases in crop health and marketable yields, even with reduced fertilizer & chemical use.
We also produce biochar soil amendments that help farmers increase yields and soil fertility while reducing chemical, fertilizer and water use.
We help the World. Our biochar and bio-oil products result in significant amounts of carbon permanently removed from atmosphere. Biochar remains in soils for thousands of years and our bio-oil is currently being pumped thousands of feet underground where it will remain forever. As a result, we’ll soon be trading Carbon Removal Credits.
Corigin: Permitted. Running. Ready to Scale
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Strategy to Scale We'll Build Many Corigin Plants Around the World Because the World Needs It!
Farming is the most widespread economic activity on Earth. Every farming community in the world could have access to a Corigin plant from Indonesia to Zambia, converting their crop wastes into regenerative products that permanently sequesters carbon and displaces fossil fuel derived fertilizers and chemicals.
Our Strategy
Decarbonize the atmosphere. Regenerate soils. Generate cash to grow.
Our Technology
Our pyrolysis technology is carbon negative and feedstock agnostic.
Our Company
Big Ag can be the hero. Corigin brings sustainability to large scale farming.
Coriphol is an aqueous solution comprised of numerous phenols, organic acids and other light weight biomolecules sourced from almond shells.
- Pyroligneous acid may enhance plant growth.
- Upcycles low value crop waste (almond shells) to a high value input on the farm
- Allows for reduction in synthetic fertilizer
Coriphol is diluted with irrigation water for foliar and drip applications, or as part of a baseline nutritional mix. For use on organic and conventional crops.

Biochar Soil Amendment for Carbon Storage and Fertility
Made from California Almond Shells
Corichar is a high quality biochar that helps improve soil fertility, support beneficial microbe populations, reduce fertilizer and water requirements and sequester carbon for centuries.
- Biochar amended soils require less fertilizer.
- Biochar amended soils require less water.
- Biochar amended soils contain more life.
- Biochar also one of the greatest weapons to combat climate change.
Corichar can be tilled into the soil, added to compost, or used as a general soil amendment to benefit soil health and sequester carbon.